
Christmas Vacation

Today I purchased plane tickets for Christmas.  One for me, one for Kenton and one for Rex.

This could be our last Christmas in Washington for a few different reasons.

Details to come later. 

I know it is still October but I am so ready for the holidays to be here already.

Are you?


Heather said...

How fun! So cute you are taking the dog! Want to hear the details why this might be the last time!

Marissa Jeanette said...

we bought our plan tickets too to boston for christmas like a month ago. It's not early we are just prepared.

Shan said...

Have so much fun! Hopefully you'll have great weather. HOpe you are doing splendidly!

Barbaloot said...

Guess I'll have to wait to hear the details...

I'm getting excited for the holidays, too. I generally frown upon going from Halloween to Christmas (Thanksgiving?) but I can't help listening to Christmas music in my car:)