
Hope its you...

The first five people...
to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me.
However there are some limitations:

1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make :)
2. What I create will be just for you
3. It will be done within a year (might take a while)
4. You have no clue what it is going to be
5. I reserve the right to do something really fun

Here the catch: if you choose to do this, you must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for five people too. This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog.


Kristen Miner said...

Hey hun. So I do not know the technical rules on this creative post, but I would love something from you! I hestiated on commenting since I already signed up on Miyoshi's and posted the chain on my website. And I do not plan on reposting it either. I will be honest. Whatever the rules, you are super cute!

sarah said...

I never know if I respond on my blog or the other person's but anyway. My email is sarahrlittle@hotmail.com (notice the r in the middle lots of people just put sarah little anyway) Send me an e-mail and I send you my phone # I would love to hear from you. I miss you take care!

emuhle said...

can it be me? :)


Estee Marie said...

ooo! pick me!